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Singapore skilled immigration application requirements analysis: must first obtain employment permit 3722

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European and American countries have raised the immigration threshold, many people began to look to Asia。Known as the "Garden City", Singapore has gained more and more popularity due to its comfortable living environment, better welfare of residents and high-quality education system。

Basic condition

Singapore Skilled migration application requirements

Under the age of 50 (single women must be under the age of 45), bachelor's degree, domestic key universities, master's students, doctoral students can be preferred。

Singapore skilled immigrants are eligible for permanent residence

Upon arrival in Singapore, applicants will be granted unlimited permanent resident status if they meet any of the following three criteria:

1. Have job opportunities in Singapore;

2. The applicant will move his/her family focus to Singapore, provide a rental or purchase contract, and have proof of family residence;

3. Provide your child's new enrollment certificate。

Work visa

Singapore Skilled migrants usually refer to foreign nationals holding P and Q work visas applying for permanent residence in Singapore。

Category P -the "P" Pass is intended for foreign nationals, foreign investors and entrepreneurs who possess higher education or advanced vocational skills above university level and are prepared to seek technical, administrative or managerial positions in Singapore。It is also divided into P1 and P2 work visas。

The P1 visa is for those earning more than S $7,001 per month, and the P2 visa is for those earning between S $3,501-7,000 per month。

Q applicants refer to high school or technical secondary education (holders of national Level 2 vocational skills certificate, or equivalent technical and academic level)。Q visa holders are typically skilled workers, technicians and those with special skills。Q visas are also divided into Q1 and Q2 categories。

The Q1 visa is issued to those who earn between S $2,501 and S $3,500 per month, while the Q2 visa is issued to those who have outstanding abilities or skills, although their monthly salary and academic qualifications do not meet the requirements of the Q1 visa。


Scoring system

The scoring system for skilled immigrants in Singapore consists of the following aspects: work visa type, length of residence in Singapore, educational background, basic monthly income, age, and family relationship in Singapore。

Application procedure

1. Confirm whether you hold a work visa, i.e. P and Q work visas;

2. Fill in the application FORM 4;

3. Provide a complete set of documents including birth certificates, marital and kinship certificates of the applicant and the sponsor (the person holding the work visa);

4. Submit the documents to the Immigration Authority of Singapore & Checking Authority)

5. Wait for the result of the application, usually in 3-6 months。If the application is rejected, the Immigration Checkpoints Authority of Singapore will not give any reason or reasons。

Family related provisions

If you are a male work visa holder, you can include your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 in your application。In the case of female workers, only their unmarried children under the age of 21 can be included in the application, and the husband can only apply for immigration to Singapore according to his own eligibility。If the unmarried child is over 21 years of age, he/she must have studied at or completed a Singapore-recognised higher education institution。

The spouses and unmarried children of "male" P visa holders can apply for Singapore Permanent residence (PR) together, and their parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law can apply for long-term Social visit visas.。

Spouses and unmarried children of "male" holders of Q1 visas may apply for a "dependent" visa-dependent pass to live and study in Singapore,But Q1's parents and father-in-law and mother-in-law cannot apply for long-term "social visit visas".,Spouses and children of "male" Q2 visa holders are not eligible for "dependent" visas,Their parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law will also not be granted long-term "social visit visas".。


Immigrant welfare

The children of immigrants have the same opportunities as local citizens to study in schools, and the tuition fee needs to pay 1,000 Singapore dollars every two years on top of the local tuition fee.Free access to Singapore, Hong Kong and other places。

Permanent residents who have stayed for two years can participate in the Singapore Government's Central Provident Fund and receive pensions, health care, housing, education and other protection。

After two to five years of permanent resident status in Singapore, investors can apply to become Singapore citizens if they have accumulated at least six months of residence during this period。Singapore passport holders can freely travel to more than 100 countries, including the United States, and gain worldwide personal development opportunities。

Immigrants in Singapore can rent HDB flats and buy pre-owned HDB flats。The size of these HDB flats falls into the three-bedroom and condominium categories。The residences are close to efficient public transport networks, including fast and safe metro services。 Immigrants to other countries can only rent or buy private property at high prices。

Skilled jobs pay well, typically more than S $4,000 a month, and have very low taxes。

Most companies of Singapore immigrants work 8 hours a day, 44 hours a week。Companies generally provide free or subsidized dental care, medical insurance, and training。

Singapore has 11 days of public holidays per year, in addition, employees will be entitled to at least 7 days of annual leave in their first year of employment。